Kit includes
This is a fun and easy wirework beginners class but it doesn’t mean intermediate students won’t enjoy it too! This class is open to anyone 13 and over. You’ll learn how to complete 1 wire weave while discussing wire weaving as a whole. You will finish your pendant while learning how pendents and bails go together. Fun for all ages and genders!!
- Adequate copper wire to complete the project
- Lampwork glass bead
- Crystals, Gears, Jump Rings and finished Copper Chain
- Accent beads
- Fully printed instructions to go home with.
Kit Fee: $15, payable directly to the instructor at the beginning of the class
Tools needed
- None, all tools provided for use in class
Duration: 1 hrs
Instructor: Debbie Benninger
My name is Debbie Benninger. I was born and raised in London, Ontario, Canada. I’ve always been a creative person. It all started with my grandmother on my dad’s side. She taught me so much starting with knitting, crocheting and random crafts to name a few. As my life progressed so did my creative bug, from sculptor to furniture restoration to a successful dollhouse miniature business, just to name a few. But when I found jewelry making it stopped me dead in my tracks. There were so many different avenues & techniques, it would take a lifetime to learn. I’m hungry for knowledge & new techniques. I start each day wanting to learn something new in my craft. I truly hope you will come on this journey with me. Please don’t hesitate to contact me about any question, big or small.
Always remember to be “InDividual by Design”