Beginner Wire Wrap Ring Workshop
Yes, believe it or not, this amazing wire wrap ring is a beginner workshop. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll create your own wirework masterpiece. We will make this ring with handmade wooden, or recycled glass beads from Bali.

Sat, Mar 16 at 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Kit includes
- Adequate copper wire to complete the wire work project
- Handmade wooden or recycled glass bead from Bali
Kit Fee: $15, payable directly to the instructor at the beginning of the class
Tools needed
- None, all tools provided for use in class
Duration: 1 hrs
Instructor: Debbie Benninger
My name is Debbie Benninger. I was born and raised in London, Ontario, Canada. I’ve always been a creative person. It all started with my grandmother on my dad’s side. She taught me so much starting with knitting, crocheting and random crafts to name a few. As my life progressed so did my creative bug, from sculptor to furniture restoration to a successful dollhouse miniature business, just to name a few. But when I found jewelry making it stopped me dead in my tracks. There were so many different avenues & techniques, it would take a lifetime to learn. I’m hungry for knowledge & new techniques. I start each day wanting to learn something new in my craft. I truly hope you will come on this journey with me. Please don’t hesitate to contact me about any question, big or small.
Always remember to be “InDividual by Design”