Symptom Therapy with Track Energy
Join us for an hour of understanding how our bodies are made up of energies and how we can use technology to provide us with a 24-7 hour healing to maintain our highest health. In this session, Al-Karim Chatur, an energy practitioner from NRJI Healing will describe the 4 levels of sickness according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and show how you can address and correct the first 3 levels before the symptoms show up.
Chi (Qi) is your inner life force. Traditional Meridian Medicine is an Ancient Philosophy proven to restore Chi (Qi) to bring the body into a state of balanced health. You can do this with RestoreChi by listening to a track that your body can hear energetically. Imagine your Chi restore kit on the go. You just go to the site select the track you want and restore that point in your body that needs more energy.

Energy is the substance that forms all matter in the Universe. Energy is described by how much potential a physical system has to change, how the energy can be transferred between objects, and how it can be converted in form. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. As with all things in nature, energy exists within a positive and negative balance Yin, and Yang.
Healthy Energy exists within a harmonious balance; unhealthy energy occurs when the balance becomes distorted. The positive and negative potentials affect your energy – Chi (Qi), thereby affecting your wellness. When you are existing within the balance, your body functions with strength and health. During times when you are stressed, the negative energy overwhelms the balance, diminishing your function, bringing dis-ease to your systems.
By using RestoreChi, you will have the beneficial vibrations used to restore and maintain your body’s energized balance.
Young and old are all invited to join this class as we will go through why we get sick, the importance of water-fire balance in our body, the five-element theory according to TCM and how they relate to the 5 major organs in our body. Finally you will learn how to use the restorechi application and understand what tracks to play to restore your health. All participants will receive a free trial to Restorechi and a suggested list of tracks to play.
Book NowSaturday July 27 at 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Skill level: All Levels
Bring to class:
- An Open Mind
Kit Fee: $20.00 : Energy medallion / $40.00 : Energy Band
Instructor: Al-Karim Chatur
Al-Karim Chatur is an entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in the technology and furniture industry. He received his undergraduate degree in Computer Science from McGill University and a Masters in Business Administration from the Richard Ivey School of Business.
The last year Al-Karim has seen a major transformation in his life and careers. A natural calling to heal and help people using energy modalities. He is a certified Emotion Code, Body Code , Access Bars, Reiki, energy Awakening and Restore Chi. He has also adapted a unique massage technique referred to as a magnetic rollout. Al-Karim is an intuitive who works with his clients challenges and practice a fusion of the various modalities to serve the clients for their highest good and to bringing joy, peace and happiness in the lives of many more.